Affiliate PDF Brander

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"Here's How To Turn Any Ebook Or Report Into A Viral Sales Machine, Promoting Your Products And Services On Autopilot"

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SPECIAL BONUS: Your FREE trial copy even includes instructions and download links for fully functional, powerful software to edit and create your own PDF ebooks


Dear Friend,

Did you know that there is a simple, well-proven formula for promoting almost any product or service, with minimal cost and effort?
Here it is in a nutshell...
1. Create a high quality ebook which promotes your product or service 2. Set up an affiliate program paying commission on sales 3. Let your affiliates brand your ebook with their affiliate IDs and then give away or sell the ebook to others
This simple but highly effective strategy has already been used countless times to generate massive sales for all sorts of products and services.

The key to this highly successful strategy is to create a "brandable" ebook, which affiliates can easily brand with their own affiliate IDs or links.
Although brandable ebooks using the old ".exe" format have been around for a while, most ebooks now being released on the Internet are in the form of PDF files.
This means that to achieve maximum distribution of your ebook, you need to create a brandable PDF file.
There are a few tools around for branding PDF files, but they are generally very "techie" and often difficult for affiliates to use.
I've actually seen reports stretching to over 10 pages long, just trying to explain how to brand a simple ebook using one of these branders.
Affiliates hate complexity - and many affiliates just give up on branding PDF files as soon as they see the complicated branding software.
This of course undermines your whole promotion strategy, which relies on lots of affiliates branding your ebook with their affiliate links.

I just recently downloaded and used your Affiliate PDF Brander. I have tried other much more expensive pdf branding software programs and found they were MUCH HARDER to use. You're software is a breeze and I'm glad you software will make it simple for my subscribers to brand my reports. I believe this software is going to make me a lot of money creating viral reports. I highly recommend it and would even recommend anyone to not purchase any other software as this is the one you need.

John Karnish
Safelist Marketing Profits


The Quick And Easy Solution...
Now there's an alternative branding technology which offers a quick and easy, foolproof solution for branding your PDF files.
Our Affiliate PDF Brander software uses a brand new method of PDF branding, which works by creating special "branding packages" for your ebooks.
Your affiliates simply download your branding package, double-click on it and then fill in their details, one item at a time, following clear and simple instructions.
As soon as they have entered all the necessary details, the branding package generates and saves a complete, ready to use, branded PDF file onto their PC.
Branding a PDF file doesn't get any easier than this!
Try It Now FREE...
Right now you can try Affiliate PDF Brander for yourself, completely FREE - with no strings attached. Simply download your copy using the link below.
This "trial" version will work for 15 days, giving you ample time to evaluate it.  You can use the trial version to create as many branding packages as you want for as many ebooks as you want.  Note however that the branding packages created by the trial version are only intended for evaluation purposes. They cannot be distributed and will only work on the PC that they were created on.
Once you have evaluated the trial version, you can use the link inside the software to order the fully working version of Affiliate PDF Brander for the low one-off cost of just $37. This will give you a permanent fully working copy of the software, allowing you to create fully distributable branding packages for as many PDF files as you want.


Download Your FREE Trial Copy Now

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Don't forget that you'll also get instructions and download links for fully functional, unrestricted, powerful software to edit and create your own PDF ebooks, too!


Requirements: This software is for use only on PCs running Microsoft Windows.
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