Give Away Manager

Attention: All Mailing List Owners...

"Use This Amazing Software To Pump HUNDREDS Of New Subscribers Into Your Mailing List In Just A Few Days!"

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If You Are Having A Hard Time Building Your Mailing List OR Looking Forward To Expand Further (Who Doesn't Want To?), You Have A Thousand Reasons To Read This Letter!


Dear Friend,

In recent years, a brand new list building model has emerged, popularly known as Giveaway event.

In the early stages, the individuals behind these large, massive events recruit hundreds of Joint Venture partners and rope them all into one enormous list building event, making it a win-win-win situation for all - the host, the partners and the visitors.

As you would have suspected, only established TOP marketers could pull such a feat because Massive Giveaway Events often require sophisticated technical knowledge, high degree of networking skill, detailed planning, LOTS of bandwidth and high cost.

Starting massive events like this is really only for the "BIG DOGS" of Internet Marketing.

However, massive Giveaway events are now losing their appeal, as they get swamped with masses of low quality gifts from contributors who often do little (if anything) to promote the event.

The good news, however, is that you - or anyone - can start a MINI Giveaway event.

The reason I've coined this term "Mini" in contrast to "Massive" is because it's a "Mini" version of the Giveaway Event - and it's much easier to set up.

Yet the profit and new leads potential are HUGE.

All you need to benefit from this strategy is a step-by-step plan of action - and of course the software to make it work.

Now with our Giveaway Event Manager, you can get both of these together in one low cost package, putting you on the easy path to list building success...

  It's Easy To Set Up Your Own Event...

Setting up your own Mini Giveaway Event is very easy with our powerful software.

To start with, you create a simple web page showing all the gifts from your partners. You can create this web page using any normal HTML editor.

Each gift should have an image, a short description and a link next to it, which visitors can click on to access the squeeze page for that gift.

Now you just set up the Giveaway Event Manager software on your web host (it's an easy process - just fill in a short form to configure the script).

The Giveaway Event Manager software will turn your simple web page into a complete successful giveaway event...

  Add A One Time Offer To Boost Profits...

Almost all giveaway events have a squeeze page where visitors must sign up before they can access the gift page.

This means you can display a One Time Offer to visitors, in between the squeeze page and the gifts page.

You pay commission on the One Time Offer to your partners, giving partners an additional incentive to promote - and of course generating lots of profit for you.

Your copy of the Giveaway Event Manager software comes with a built-in support for your One Time Offer.

Simply create your offer page using any ordinary HTML editor, then enter the file name of the page into the software and it will automatically become a One Time Offer.

As soon as visitors subscribe through your squeeze page, they will be sent to your One Time Offer - with the option to buy now or to just go direct to the gift download page.

If visitors don't buy immediately, they will be blocked from seeing the One Time Offer again, in order to maintain your credibility.

Setting up a profitable One Time Offer really couldn't be any easier!

   Simple Tracking Makes Sure Your Event Is A Success

When setting up a giveaway event, its absolutely vital to track all the visitors being referred to the event, so you can check that all your partners are promoting the event.

Without this tracking, some of your partners may not promote properly (either accidentally or deliberately) - effectively freeloading off the other partners and getting free subscribers for nothing.

Tracking is the key to making sure that this doesn't happen - and that's where the second feature of our Giveaway Event Manager software comes in.

You use the software to build a tracking link for each partner, by filling in a simple form like the one below:

The software will then generate a special tracking link for the partner, which you then send to him or her.

With all partners using their own tracking links, you can now easily see who is promoting the event and who is not.

You can - at any time - view a list of all your partners, with the number of clicks and unique visitors referred by each partner.

If you're using a One Time Offer, the list will also include the number of subscribers that subscribe through the squeeze page and the number of sales for each partner.

You can contact partners who are not promoting to ask them to promote - or even delete their gift if they don't pull their weight.

However the software offers a simpler and much more effective solution, in the form of the special "League Table" feature...

  Special Partner "League Table" To Motivate Partners

In addition to you being able to view all the stats for each partner, the script also allows all your partners to view the information too, in the form of a "League Table".

All you need to do is send all partners the link for the special League Table web page.

The League Table lists all partners in order, based on the number of One Time Offer sales they have made, with the best promoters at the top - and the weakest at the bottom.

In the event that referrers have the same number of sales, the number of subscribers is taken into account, to determine the ordering.

The table also shows the number of clicks and visitors. These are not used in the ordering, but their inclusion makes it crystal clear to all partners if anyone has not been promoting.

Here's an example of the League Table:

This League Table provides powerful social pressure to those who are not pulling their weight, compelling them to take action.

It also makes it easy to run a contest to reward the top partners, with all partners able to see a real-time display of exactly how well they are doing.

Simply by using this powerful software, you can ensure your partners all promote the event properly, guaranteeing that your giveaway event is a success.

  Automatic Order Tracking Helps You Keep Control...

The script keeps a running total of the number of One Time Offer sales made by each partner, which you can view at any time:


You can use this sales tracking feature with any payment service, and it will track the total number of sales for each partner.

When selling through the popular Paypal, 2CheckOut and Clickbank payment services, the script also maintains a list of individual One Time Offer sales, as shown below, with the associated Paypal/2CheckOut/Clickbank order ID number for each sale.

In the event of a refund, you can click the "Delete" link next to the relevant order number and the order will be deleted (and the relevant partner's sales total reduced by one).

This feature gives you an easy way to keep track of all sales.

In addition, if you don't already have an affiliate solution, you can use the sales tracking information to pay your partners.

After the end of the event, just view the number of sales for each partner and then send them the appropriate commission.

  View The Demonstration...

You can view a demonstration of the Giveaway Event Manager script by clicking here and entering admin password  123  (the demonstration opens in a new browser window).

Note that some features of the script have been disabled, but you can still see all the features and get an idea of just how easy it is to use.

As you can see, with our Giveaway Event Manager software and any ordinary HTML editor, you'll have everything you need to quickly setup and operate your own successful list-building giveaway event.

In addition to the software, you'll also receive a copy of this special report...

"Your Step-By-Step Guide To Setting Up Your Own Event"

I've explained how to set up an event using our powerful software - but for a really successful event, you'll also need the full knowledge packed into our special in-depth 27 page report.

Here's just some of the information you'll discover...

How to start your very own Mini Giveaway Event in 8 simple steps! No sophisticated programming knowledge and no high monetary investment are needed. You don't have to wait for weeks or months to even get started.

  How to develop advantages and edges over Massive Giveaway events! Let's face it: most Massive Giveaway events are becoming "washouts" lately, but this doesn't mean Giveaways are no longer viable working models much less starting a Mini version of a Giveaway event. I will show you how to get hundreds and potentially thousands of new subscribers through this powerful list building solution.

The 6 fundamental things you CANNOT go without when starting your very own Mini Giveaway Event.

  How to quickly and easily prepare your own unique gift and increase your signup rates from your own Mini Giveaway event (includes a Real-life case study).

  How to craft out and set up your Mini Giveaway event in one day!

  The details you need to write in your Joint Venture (JV) invite letter and how to persuade hard-hitting marketers to participate in your event.

  The three (3) highly effective methods of getting marketers and list owners alike to participate in your Mini Giveaway event actively!

  The six (6) things you should do in the pre-launch of your Mini Giveaway event!

  How to squeeze in hundreds, potentially thousands of red-hot leads and backend sales!

  Mini Giveaway event success tips that you can use for your own - mix and match, pick and choose any ideas that you like to implement!

  And much, much more!

If you're looking for a way to build your own list that really works, Mini Giveaway Events are the answer - and this report will show you how to make your event a real success!


All This For One Low Price

Almost every successful marketer will tell you that the single most important asset of your business is your own mailing list.

Yet most people really struggle to build a decent sized list.

Mini Giveaway Events offer a proven, fast, effective way to build your list.

Our powerful software makes operating one of these events a quick and easy process.

Let's just quickly recap the features of this superb offer:

Operates a moneymaking One Time Offer automatically

Provides a simple tracking link for each partner

Tracks the number of clicks, visitors, subscribers and sales for each partner

Maintains a League Table to motivate partners to promote

Provides complete sales tracking for all One Time Offer sales

Comes with an information-packed report on how to run an event

Given the MASSIVE profits you could generate from your own event, you might be expecting to pay a lot for this powerful software and report package.

However if you order right now, you can get your own copy of everything for just $37.

Even though I'm offering this package at such a low price, I still want you to be 100% certain that it will really work for you.

That's why the package comes with my cast iron 30-day, no risk, 100% money-back guarantee...

Your 100%, No Risk, No Questions Asked,
Money-Back Guarantee

If you still have any lingering doubts about purchasing, let me reassure you now with the knowledge that your copy of this superb package is covered by my 100% cast iron, no questions asked, no risk guarantee.

If at any time during the next 30 days, you decide that this package does not meet your requirements, just shoot me a quick email and I guarantee to refund your money in full, no questions asked.

All this means you can take a full 30 days to check out this great package for yourself, with no risk whatsoever.

In other have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

I expect a lot of demand for this superb package, so this low price could increase at any time without notice.

So please don't delay. Order your copy right now...

Please Order Now For Just $37

You'll receive instant access to your package, even if it's 2 o'clock in the morning.

Totally secure payment is through Paypal, AlertPay or Credit Cards through 2CheckOut.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover Cards Accepted

     Official PayPal Seal

Credit Card Processing

This software is for use only on PCs running Microsoft Windows. The script requires a web host which supports PHP and SQL (most quality web hosts support these as standard).


Earnings Disclaimer
Although we provide powerful tools and resources that can help you to build your list, the results are dependent on many factors outside our control. We are not therefore able to give any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by using this software. We will however happily refund your money in full in the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your purchase.

Please note that this package is for your personal use only and does not carry any form of resale rights.