Web Profit Doubler

"Here's How You Can Double Your Chances Of Generating Profits From Visitors To Your Website, Automatically"

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Dear Friend

Did you know that on the average website, 98% of visitors leave without ordering anything?

That's an awful lot of potential income lost.

If you could reduce that figure down to even 96%, that could double your income.

That's where Web Profit Doubler comes in, allowing you to make a second offer to those visitors who are leaving your website.

You can offer them a gift in exchange for subscribing to a follow-up autoresponder, a better deal - or even a completely different offer.

To allow you see this powerful effect in action, I'd like to show you a quick demonstration.

Please try to leave this page by any means you want - such as clicking the Back button or Home button on your browser.

When you do, you'll get to read more about our powerful Web Profit Doubler software...

Note: The demonstration only works for the popular Internet Explorer and Firefox web browsers.

This does cover the vast majority of Internet users. However if you're using a different web browser, unfortunately you'll not be able to see the demonstration.